Here are some ways to check if you have 2.4GHz or 5GHz:
Method 1: Look at your available networks
- Open up your WiFi menu on your phone or computer, and see if there are multiple options with your WiFi’s name.
- See if there are multiple similar network names, for example, “YourWifi” and “YourWifi_5G”.
- If there are multiple similar networks, pick the one with either 2G, 2GHz, or nothing extra (“YourWifi”) in the name. That is most likely the 2.4GHz WiFi network.
Method 2: Using Android
If you have an Android phone, you can confirm whether the network is 2.4G or 5G.
- Connect to the network.
- Go to Settings > Network & internet > WiFi > Select the network properties (tap the gear icon or menu icon).
- Read the frequency setting. If it is greater than 400Mbps, then you are on a 5GHz band, and if it is less than 400Mbps, you are on 2.4GHz.
Method 3: Using WiFi Analyzer App on Android
- Go to the Play Store.
- Download the WiFi Analyzer App
- Select 2.4GHz or 5GHz from the top bar in the app and search for the network among the names.
- If your network shows up in the 2.4GHz, then it’s a 2.4GHz network.
Method 4: Using a Windows Computer
- Connect to the WiFi network.
- Open your networks panel from your taskbar (click the WiFi icon in the bottom right).
- Click on properties for your connected network.
- In the new window that opens, scroll all the way down to the properties section.
- The Network Band will be either 2.4gGHz or 5GHz.
Method 5: Using an Apple Computer
- Connect to the WiFi network.
- Click on the WiFi icon in the top nav bar while holding down the Option/Alt key.
- Look at the channel information written in grey text. It will say 5 GHz or 2.4GHz.
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